Thursday, June 2, 2011

Free Dogs- BEWARE!

This is a very sobering link for any of you who have offered pets for free or seen pets advertised for free such as on Craig's List or other sources.  "Free" pets often meet a very torturous fate, and that is important for everyone to know.  If any of us have animals that must be re-homed, there is a "duty of care" to this living creature to thoroughly investigate where the animal is ultimately going.  Same applies to shelters.  If you get a bad feeling about someone, trust your gut and DO NOT give them the animal!  Ask the awkward questions- where do you plan to keep the animal?  will you allow a home visit?  what are your vet references and contact information?  do you have a fenced in yard?  do you agree to spay/neuter the pet?  does the whole family agree that they want the pet? will you keep the animal in your house? (outside animals are prone to theft or abuse).  do you have a valid drivers license so you can transport the pet for medical care when needed?  what is your plan if the pet doesn't fit well into your home?   DON'T BE AFRAID TO QUESTION!   Cats and kittens are just as vulnerable to bunchers and dog fighters.  Dog fighters often use cats and kittens to teach their dogs to kill.  Click on the link below "Free Dogs"  to learn more.

Free Dogs

1 comment:

  1. You are SUPER to bring this issue to awareness. These are EVIL, heinous crimes - gambling driven. I don't know what vicimization of INNOCENTS, could be more ghastly. I shared your link on my page and will keep it featured. THANK YOU, all Blessings! Gail Whitson
