Monday, June 6, 2011

Reasons to keep your dog INSIDE!

Dogs are pack animals, and like it or not, when one or more come into your life or family- you are their pack. So why should I keep my dog inside rather than outside in a doghouse or run?

1.  As a pack animal, your dog will be very unhappy being isolated from the pack and will not understand- he will see it as rejection or punishment

2.  Isolation of a dog can cause depression, boredom, and behavioral problems

3.  Outside dogs are not as well socialized as indoor dogs and more prone to behavioral issues

4.  Outside dogs can escape more easily and become lost

5.  Outside dogs are accessible and vulnerable to predators

6.  Outside dogs are vulnerable to animal abusers

7.  Outside dogs are vulnerable and prone to theft

8.  Outside dogs are vulnerable and prone to the elements and exposure to extreme weather conditions
  • Just because a dog has fur, this doesn't mean that it can tolerate cold weather.  I read MANY stories this year of dogs freezing in their dog houses, on their chains, and in their runs
  • Dogs have fur and don't sweat like humans to regulate body temperature- they can suffer heatstroke and death as easily as humans.
9. Outdoor dogs are more susceptable to parasites and mosquitoes which can mean heartworm and other diseases if they are not medically protected

10.  An indoor dog is a happier, better behaved, and better protected dog. 


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